The Practices of Electronic Human Resource Management and its Impact on the Organizational ‎Performance ‎

Keywords: Electronic human resources management, Organizational performance‎, Organizational flexibility‎, Efficiency‎, Effectiveness‎, Creativity‎


This study aims to uncover electronic human resource management practices and their impact on the organizational performance in the Homs Educational Directorate, Syria. Also, determining levels of organizational performance in the directorate and creating interactive indicators with the application of electronic human resource management practices. The two researchers adopted a descriptive and analytical approach, which means studying facts about phenomena and events through collecting data and information, analyzing them and interpreting them. A random sample was approved based on various levels, technical and administrative specializations for workers on a permanent basis, questionnaire form was distributed to (102) employees. The SPSS statistical program was also used to examine the research hypotheses. The results of the research showed that the Homs ‎ Educational Directorate adopts some electronic human resource management practices and this is evident through the results of the scientific analysis, which strengthens the directorate’s orientation towards electronic work in most of its functions. Electronic training and development is one of the most important dimensions of the directorate, as it uses electronic applications to train and educate employees. Finally, the Homs ‎ Educational Directorate had some concerned with organizational performance at an acceptable level, and that the competency dimension is one of the most interesting dimensions, as it has an electronic infrastructure that helps it to adopt this dimension. This research can be of help for working administrators interested in continuous improvement and development of administrative work by providing a future visions for delving into the information society and making use of modern technologies.


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How to Cite
Massoudi, A., & Fatah, S. (2021). The Practices of Electronic Human Resource Management and its Impact on the Organizational ‎Performance ‎. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 135-154.

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