University-Erbil Scientific Journal2025-02-09T17:30:19+00:00Prof. Amjad Sabir Al-Dalawi[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Cihan University-Erbil Scientific journal (CUESJ) is a biannual academic journal published by the Cihan University-Erbil. CUESJ a periodical journal publishes original researches in all areas of Science, Engineering and Technology. CUESJ is a Peer-Reviewed Open Access journal with Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). CUESJ provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full text of research articles without requiring a subscription to the journal, and has neither article processing charge (APC) nor article submission charge (ASC). CUESJ applies the highest standards to everything it does and adopts IEEE citation/referencing style. CUESJ Section Policy includes three types of publications; Articles, Review Articles, and Letters. CUESJ has a print-ISSN: <a href="">2519-6979</a>. It is a member of the ROAD with e-ISSN: <a href="">2707-6377</a> and a member of the Crossref with a doi: <a href="">10.24086/issn.2519-6979</a>.</p> and Attitude towards Body Size2025-01-07T10:23:07+00:00Behnaz Shahrokhisahneh[email protected]<p>Obesity not only poses significant physical health risks but also deeply influences emotional well-being and societal acceptance. This cross-sectional study conducted in Mysore city, India, explores the relationship between emotionality and attitudes towards body size. A diverse sample of 444 adults participated, representing various age groups, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain the data on body weight perception, emotional experiences, and attitudes towards weight loss. Results reveal that while a significant portion of participants (males-35.4%; females- 41.7%), particularly overweight and obese individuals, express dissatisfaction with their appearance, a prevalent desire to lose exists (P=0.001). However, the actual participation in weight loss programs remains low (male-21.1%; female-30.7%), indicating a gap between aspiration and action. Reasons for non-participation include a lack of education on weight management and insufficient motivation. Importantly, participants who did engage in weight loss programs reported high rates of relapse, with common reasons including reverting to previous lifestyles and lack of motivation. The study suggests a need for more effective weight regulation programs that incorporate education, exercise, and dietary interventions. Governmental and non-governmental efforts, alongside media campaigns, are essential in fostering a supportive environment for sustainable weight management and emotional well-being in Indian populations.</p>2025-01-10T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## the Football Sports Outcomes by the Two Types Branching Markov process2025-01-17T17:50:59+00:00Bestoon M. Abdullkarim[email protected]Azhin M. Khudhur[email protected]Dler H. Kadir[email protected]<p>In this research the football sport outcomes are analyzed by the two-type branching Markov Process, assuming that the outcomes occur as a Poisson process and they described by the two-state Markov Process. For this study, the data about the number of losses, wins, and trophy results of the Real Madrid football club for 24 years (2000 – 2024) are obtained from the KOOORA Website. This study aimed to determine the probabilities of two state outcomes, the expected length of time the process stays in each state, and the expected number of the two types for successive periods. In conclusion, the expected number of Real Madrid football sports outcomes for successive game times are continually decreasing until the number of games</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Elastic Net Approach to Logistic Regression for Genetic Selection in High-Dimensional Brain Cancer Data2025-01-17T07:09:42+00:00Nozad H. Mahmood[email protected]Dler H. Kadir[email protected]<p>The study explores issues related to the treatment of brain cancer caused by the heterogeneous nature of different variants of brain tumors. The objective of this study was to identify essential genes present in multiple types of brain cancer by using high dimensional gene expression data available on the Curated Microarray Database CuMiDa. The study’s dataset comprised a total of 130 samples belonging to 4 subtypes of brain cancer and 16384 gene expression variables. Thus, the penalized Elastic net method in conjunction with Multinomial Logistic Regression was used to cope with curse of dimensionality problems. Then, accuracy, Kappa statistic, Area Under the Curve, and F1-score were utilized to evaluate measures of the model efficiency. Elastic Net proved to be quite effective in the sense of the extensiveness of the variables included in the analysis and successfully restricted gene level further analysis as well as highlighted subtype specific expression signatures. The model achieved high precision and AUC values indicating that in general the model had good ability to distinguish all subtypes with some around perfect score of AUC. Robust parameter estimation was supplemented with cross validation and other predictive model validation statistical techniques done in R language programming. Thus, these findings suggest that the best model for evaluating large-scale gene expression data of brain cancers is the use of MLR with an elastic net regularization. There is ample evidence that these selected genes contribute to and serve as targets for therapy, therefore making this study a good starting point for further investigations with respect to understanding their biological role. The corresponding model is also to be applied to test its validity on some other datasets of a quite different nature. This, in turn, may suggest improved diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic options for the brain tumor.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## and Mindset toward Infection Control and Prevention among Medical Microbiology Students2025-01-30T17:54:14+00:00Salaheddin M. Shehade[email protected]Ameena S.M. Juma[email protected]Muhsin H. Ubeid[email protected]Mustafa D. Younus[email protected]<p>Health care-associated infections HCAIs are significant public health problems. They can lead to high rate of morbidity and mortality, and raise the cost of health care services, in developed and developing countries. Simple and routine education for health care personnel, including students of medical colleges or departments about the main preventive measures and infection control can help them to enhance their hand-washing practices and adhere to necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection and reduce incidence of HCAIs. The period of first stages of medical education is the suitable phase and proper time for getting the necessary information and skills about infection prevention and control (IPC) practices. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, awareness, and attitude of students of Medical Microbiology Department in Cihan University-Erbil towards the guidelines and main practices of infection prevention and control. The study revealed variable levels of knowledge and awareness about infection control precautions among students, and also showed inadequate practical adherence to some important precautions among a significant percentage of students. To enhance the safety of students and patients, we believe that it is necessary to begin teaching the basic knowledge about infections and the principles of infection prevention and control precautions during the first period of study in the college.</p>2025-01-30T17:54:14+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## of Pineal Gland in Patients with Schizophrenia2025-02-09T17:30:19+00:00Amani A. Elfaki[email protected]Ahmed M. A. Elhaj[email protected]Meltem A. Gudek[email protected]Mert Nahir[email protected]Amira M. Haroun[email protected]Bunyamin Sahin[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;">Recent advancements in neuroimaging techniques have facilitated the identification of numerous structural brain alterations associated with schizophrenia, potentially serving as valuable biomarkers. This study aimed to explore the volumetric changes in the pineal gland correlated with schizophrenia symptoms, employing standard brain segmentation methodologies. The study encompassed 135 participants, comprising 82 controls and 53 patients, all of whom provided voluntary consent. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain was conducted using the magnetization prepared rapid acquisition protocol, and the acquired images were processed through BrainSuite software. Statistical analysis was done to determine the significance of volumetric differences in the pineal gland between patients and controls. In addition, it assessed any correlations with demographic variables, such as age and sex. The control group’s mean age was 29.28 ± 6.03, while the patient group was 31.32 ± 6.44. No significant differences were observed between the groups in terms of sex or age distribution, with P = 0.583 and 0.064, respectively. The average pineal gland volume in patients with schizophrenia was 48.82 ± 20.39 cm3, markedly lower than the 64.23 ± 26.51 cm3 observed in controls. The findings indicate that individuals with schizophrenia possess smaller pineal glands compared to the general population. It is concluded that MRI is a viable tool for assessing structural brain changes linked to schizophrenia, and the pineal gland may play a contributory role in the disease’s pathogenesis.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##