Kakai and Their Origins and Beliefs

  • Rozhan I. Khurshid Department of Sharria, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Slahaddin University, Kurdistan, Iraq
  • Ismail M. Qarany Department of Sharria, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Slahaddin University, Kurdistan, Iraq
Keywords: Kakai, creed, Sharia, traditions


This study searches for the kakai minority that mostly resides in Iraqi Kurdistan, which is taken from the Kurdish word Kakah to denote the existence of respect and appreciation and brotherhood among them or between them and their sheikh, and this topic study is important especially for the Kurdish Muslims who live next to them and have contact with them, and the ambiguity is in the origins This religion is one of the most important problems of this study, and we have relied in the research on the deductive approach in taking the topics studied, with the transmission of opinions and the attribution of words based on the original sources, and accuracy in it, while following the analytical approach to what we transfer. We touched on them in terms of their names and their causes, the history of their origins, and the expression of opinions about its foundations, the origins of its creed, its rituals and sanctities, and the places of its existence, by referring to the books written about it and the studies that touched on its statement, an objective historical and scientific study, and in the conclusion I reviewed the most important findings of it


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How to Cite
Khurshid, R., & Qarany, I. (2020). Kakai and Their Origins and Beliefs. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 39-49. https://doi.org/10.24086/cuejhss.v4n2y2020.pp39-49