The Role of the E-government System in the Political Reform of State Institutions

Applied research

  • Inas D. Mahdi Department of International Relations, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: E-government‎, Informatics, Knowledge Management, Information Security, Political Reform


The e-government system is an advanced stage of the implementation of a comprehensive knowledge-based information program, and it cannot be implemented in the first place, because it does not need preparation at the technical, political, economic and educational levels. In view of the accuracy of the information and communication technology produced in its financial and economic dealings, which is the basis on which the e-government is based, therefore, it can contribute directly to improving the level of political reform in state institutions. And since the issue of political reform of state institutions, especially public sector institutions, is one of the issues of great concern for political and administrative researchers alike, the research tries to find a logical link between the development of electronic administrative work, up to the elements of implementing the e-government system for state institutions and adopting them as a routine in their dealings. The daily link between achieving comprehensive administrative and political reform without the need to exert more efforts in changing the administrative and political leaderships, whose reform behavior within state institutions is difficult to predict. Also, what the electronic government provides in terms of an advanced and neutral supervisory system to a large extent ends what the political and administrative control system suffer from through defects. Bias and favoritism in evaluating the performance of state institutions. Therefore, the research confirms an attempt to prove a basic hypothesis related to the existence of a positive relationship between the development of the e-government system and the increase in political reform in state institutions, by emphasizing a set of basic data linking the two variables of the research, which will be discussed in detail through the research stages


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How to Cite
Mahdi, I. (2021). The Role of the E-government System in the Political Reform of State Institutions. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 43-52.