The Russian-Chinese Strategic Competition and its Impact on the Structure of the International System

Keywords: Strategic competition‎, International superiority‎, Russia‎, China‎, The international system


The current international system is characterized by the presence of many variables that deserve study and research, perhaps the most prominent of which is the rise of new international powers on the world scene, which directly changes the structure of the international system and moves the international hierarchy effectively, especially after the United States took control of the top of the international pyramid since 1989 until today. Russia and China are at the forefront of the candidate countries for the expected political movement, due to their enormous political, military and economic powers, which requires policy and international relations researchers to focus on analyzing the reality of the two countries and their components and the challenges they face on their way to the international pyramid. The research stems from a scientific hypothesis that the world today is living in a state of multipolarity without an official announcement of the influence of the rest of the international powers, of which China and Russia are the most prominent). The world has a balance of international forces that contribute to the restructuring of the international system in a manner consistent with the new international changes represented by the globalized economy and the increasing influence of international organizations and their interventions in state policy such as the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and multinational companies.


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Author Biography

Enas D. Mahdi, Department of International Relations, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Mahdi D. Inas is Assistant Prof. at the Department of International relations & diplomacy, Faculty/College of The law and international relations, Cihan University. She got the B.Sc. degree in political sciences, M.Sc. degree in political sciences – strategy and the Ph.D. degree in [political sciences- strategy]. Her research interests are in International relations, strategic planning for the states and International law. Dr. Inas is a member of Iraqi Society.


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How to Cite
Mahdi, E. (2022). The Russian-Chinese Strategic Competition and its Impact on the Structure of the International System. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 35-51.