The Title in Kurdish Electronic Media

Study of Political News on kurdistan24 site

  • Hawzhin O. Mohammed Department of International and Diplomatic Relations, College of Law and International Relations, Cihan University-Erbil, ‎Kurdistan Region, Iraq‎
Keywords: Media headlines, Minor structures, Semantic and stylistic diversity, Language harness, political news


The title is the most important part of the text, it is the threshold or the portal that we get into the world of text. In the media texts, the title is composed of a number of functions, some related to the promotional area, the nature of these texts and their structure, and others the function of the media as a communication process. In other words, the function of the title in the field of information is derived from the functions of the media and its serious responsibility in the community, a function. This research (The Title in Kurdish Electronic Media, Study of Political News on Kurdistan24 as a Model)focuses on the issue of stylistic and informational aspects by standing at the smallest structures of the titles and analyzing them, and then diagnosing the types of news titles, using  the speech analysis methodology of the sample Consisting of (86) expert titles, published on the website (Kurdistan 24), in a  period of time, one month.


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Author Biography

Hawzhin O. Mohammed, Department of International and Diplomatic Relations, College of Law and International Relations, Cihan University-Erbil, ‎Kurdistan Region, Iraq‎

Hawzhin O Mohammed is a Lecturer at the Department of Department of International and Diplomatic Relations, College of Law and International Relations, Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq. He got the B.Sc in the Literary Artical , the M.Sc degree in  the Art of the article in Al-takhi Newspaper, and the Ph.d. degree in Methods of Kurdish Media in Iraq.  His research interests are in Method of political media Discourse, relation between language and political media, and Method of Text media in International mediathe language in the new media. Dr. Hawzhin is a member of  Arab  Association for Media Science and Communication.



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How to Cite
Mohammed, H. (2022). The Title in Kurdish Electronic Media. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 73-82.