The Mediating Role of Palestinian University Governance in the Impact Relationship between Digital Transformation and Institutional Innovation

Field study

  • Abd Elrahman‎ M. Rashwan Department of Administrative ‎and Financial Sciences, ‎University College of Science ‎and Technology, Gaza
  • Etidal M. ‎Al-Helou Department of ‎Accounting, College of ‎Management and ‎Finance, Al-Aqsa ‎University Gaza
  • Essam M. ‎Al-Taweel Department of Accounting, ‎College of Management ‎and Finance, Al-Aqsa ‎University, Gaza
Keywords: digital transformation‎, governance, Palestinian university, institutional innovation, Gaza strip‎


The main aim of this study is to identify the mediating role of Palestinian university governance in the ‎relationship of influence between digital transformation and institutional innovation‏ ‏The researchers ‎relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the use of the questionnaire tool, which was ‎distributed to a sample of (90) individuals, randomly selected from the study population consisting of ‎a dean, deputy dean, department head, department director, faculty ‎members/accounting/administration) in the Palestinian universities in the Gaza Strip. The results ‎showed that the mediating variable, the governance of Palestinian universities, mediates a partial ‎mediation in the relationship of influence between digital transformation and institutional innovation. ‎Knowing that the results showed a positive correlation between digital transformation and institutional ‎innovation without introducing the governance of Palestinian universities, it was found that there is a ‎positive effect between digital transformation and corporate governance. Palestinian universities, ‎where digitization has become an essential thing in the educational process‏.‏The study recommended ‎the need to pay attention to the existence of a flexible and dynamic technical university governance ‎environment that keeps pace with the present and future development, and the need to promote digital ‎transformation in Palestinian universities to keep pace with technological progress toward institutional ‎innovation and to confront any future conditions that affect the continuity of the educational process‏.‏


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Author Biography

Abd Elrahman‎ M. Rashwan, Department of Administrative ‎and Financial Sciences, ‎University College of Science ‎and Technology, Gaza

Abd Elrahman‎ M. Rashwan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Administrative ‎and Financial Sciences, ‎University College of Science ‎and Technology, Gaza. He got his Ph.D. degree in accounting. His research interests are in Finacial Accounting, Aditing, and Accounting Information System.


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How to Cite
Rashwan, A. E., ‎Al-HelouE., & ‎Al-TaweelE. (2022). The Mediating Role of Palestinian University Governance in the Impact Relationship between Digital Transformation and Institutional Innovation. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 109-122.