The Religious and Historical Symbol in the Poetry of Buland Ai- Haidari

Keywords: Symbol, Buland Ai- Haidari, Religious, Historical Symbol, Poetic Experience


If literature is a kind of sophistical expression of the human feelings, emotions that run through the mind of the writer, expression thoughts, and human experience, for poetry is a branch of literature. It contains vision, ideas that poet presents in an artistic symbolic form, adopting a structur and style in his mind from those intellectual trends in a literary form. Our research uses the historical symbols as a scope to examine the history, religious in the poem of Buland, the way it is used, how the historical became a solid symbolic for him, identified with the historical, turning the poem into vision, aprophecy, dream, and connecting into unreality  immanence. The research talked about the relationship of symbol and history, about the use of the symbol by the poet Buland,  and his fame in this field, about the religious and historical characters, wheather they have positive or negative personalties, taking the symbol technique as an artistic framework, using it in a way it suits his personal experience, adds objectivity to his creative product, how he deals with that type of symbol, that religious and historical characters and that artistic and symbolic employment. This is what we will address in this study to explore the depth Bulands experience and reveal the sources of the poetic image in his poetic product, taking the descriptive and analytical approach as a line and curriculm that we follow. He has to interpret analyse poetic passages.


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Author Biographies

Sarwar H. Mohammad, Department of Arabic Language, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region,Iraq.

Surur H. Mohammed is a PhD student, University of Salahaddin. His research interest is Arabic literature.

Latif M. Hassan, Department of Arabic Language, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Latif M. Hassan is a profissor t of Arabic Language, College of Arts, University of Salahuddin. His research interests are Arabic language and literature. 


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How to Cite
Mohammad, S., & Hassan, L. (2024). The Religious and Historical Symbol in the Poetry of Buland Ai- Haidari. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2), 131-141.