Physical-motor Intelligence in the Technical Gymnasium and its Relationship to the Performance of Some Skills of Parallel Bar for Third Stage Students in Physical Education

  • Hawder D. Abdulqader Salahaddin University/Collage of Education-Shaqlawa, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Afaqet K. Hussein Koya University/School of physical Education, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: physical-motor intelligence, Skills of parallel bars


This research is a study the importance of physical-motor intelligence in the technical gymnasium, the research about a good quality and research skills (backward kip, Forward Straddle Roll, Shoulder stands on the bars) on ​​the parallel device. Research on a parallel device for the students of the third stage in the School of Physical Education at the University of Koya.The current research for the recognition of the level of physical intelligence and motor skills (backward kip, Forward Straddle Roll, Shoulder stands on the bars) as well as identify the relationship between physical intelligence and motor skills in question.The researchers used the descriptive approach in the formal relationship method, which links two variables. The research included students in the third stage of the Faculty of Education / School of Education and the number of (30) male students who provide the community with research (75%).Following the distribution of the questionnaire, the physical intelligence of the motor and the testing of the skills examined in the search for data and results. Results of research shown for the sample of the research for a good level of physical intelligence in the motor skill of backward kip and Forward Straddle Roll while the level of results is not good than the physical intelligence of motor skills of Shoulder stands on the bars.There is a positive relationship between the physical intelligence of the motor and all the skills in search on the parallel device.


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How to Cite
Abdulqader, H., & Hussein, A. (2019). Physical-motor Intelligence in the Technical Gymnasium and its Relationship to the Performance of Some Skills of Parallel Bar for Third Stage Students in Physical Education. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 157-161.