Study of the Reality of Psychological Flow among Students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil

  • Zhian J. Othman Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: Psychological flow, Emotional intelligence, Cihan University students, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science‎, Positive Psychology


Psychological flow is one of the best cases of emotional intelligence because it represents the maximum degree in enhancing emotions that serve performance and learning. It prevents the flow of feelings and thus decreases the level of his practical and academic performance. Given the importance of psychological flow in the sports field, the current study aimed to identify the degree of psychological flow among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Cihan University - Erbil, and to reveal whether there are differences in the level of psychological flow among the sample members due to the variable (university stage). The study followed the descriptive approach in a comparative method, and the sample consisted of (50) male and female students from the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Cihan University - Erbil and for the four academic stages, they were chosen in a deliberate manner, and the psychological flow scale developed by (Jackson and Marsh) was applied.


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Author Biography

Zhian J. Othman, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Dr. Zhian Jamal Othman is a Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
College of Education Cihan/Erbil University. He got the B.Sc. degree in Physical Education and Sport
Sciences, the M.Sc. degree in Sport Psychology and the Ph.D. degree in in Sport Psychology/ Volleyball.
Her research interests are in Sport Psychology, Sport Sciences, Counseling Psychology.


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How to Cite
Othman, Z. (2022). Study of the Reality of Psychological Flow among Students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Cihan University-Erbil. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 1-6.