The Role of Job Bullying in Promoting Turnover Intention

An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees in the General ‎Directorate of Tourism in Sulaimania, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

  • Dalia K. Faeq Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Koya ‎University, Koya, Iraq
Keywords: Job bullying, Turnover intention, General Directorate of Tourism‎, Sulaimania‎, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


The aim of current study is to know the role of job bullying (public screaming, deprivation of the use of resources, constant criticism, unjustified pressure) in promoting the turnover intention from the point of view of a sample of employees in the General Directorate of Tourism in Sulaimania- Kurdistan Region – Iraq. To achieve this objective and answering the study question , the descriptive analytical method with linear regression model were applied , and the data collected through primary source that are from questionnaires of population consist of (287) individuals, and (200) forms were distributed in a random sampling method , of which (170) were returned, just (161) were valid for statistical analysis. The research concluded that there is a correlation between job bullying and the turnover intention, and the existence of an impact of job bullying in strengthening the  turnover intention, and accordingly, the research presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the need to encourage employees in the General Directorate of Tourism to know Legal knowledge of their duties and rights, and realize cultural diversity, and the internal environment climate to protect themselves from harm and exploitation.


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Author Biography

Dalia K. Faeq, Department of Administration and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Koya ‎University, Koya, Iraq

 Dalia Khalid Faeq is a Lecturer teaching in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science at Koya University, Kurdistan Region, F.R.Iraq. She has a B.Sc. degree in Building Construction Engineering, M.Sc. degree in Business Administration and Ph.D. degree in Business Administration. Her research interest includes Human Resource Management, Organization Behavior.


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How to Cite
Faeq, D. (2022). The Role of Job Bullying in Promoting Turnover Intention. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 17-26.