Employee Perception of Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Performance
The Role of Intellectual Capital, and Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior
This study's purpose is to find out how perceived ethical corporate social responsibility (ECSR) and organisational performance are related, specifically through the use of employees’ innovative work behaviour (IWB) as a mediating mechanism that is conditional (i.e., moderator) upon intellectual capital. Employees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq's services industry, such as those working for hotels, banks, real estate, and property organisations, were given questionnaires through a simple random sample approach. The final sample used for the study had 172 responses, and the achieved response rate was 78.2 percent. The research showed that workers’ IWB mediates the association between perceived ECSR and organisational performance. The outcomes also lend credibility to the argument that ECSR interacts with the intellectual capital to influence employees’ IWB, which impacts organisational performance. This paper is one of the few studies examining the effects of ECSR, intellectual capital, and employees’ IWB on organisational performance.
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