Evaluation of ChatGPT’s Configuration Support for Network Connectivity and Security

Keywords: ChatGPT, computer networks, cyber security, CISCO networks, artificial intelligence


ChatGPT is the world most famous AI interface operates by analyzing the prompt input text and generating coherent responses that predicts effectively your query by utilizing the knowledge it has acquired from its training data. Although this process may appear straightforward and authentic, it may give misleading results for more deep analysis specially for the network engineers. In this paper, evaluation of ChatGPT’s configuration support for network connectivity and security will be analyzed, by applying the commands generated by the ChatGPT AI to configure and secure an enterprise network designed with simulated cisco hardware, and analyzing the full network connectivity and security to determine if the ChatGPT AI prediction was accurately sufficient to run a full network


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Author Biographies

Ghassan A. QasMarrogy, Department of Informatics and Software Engineering, Cihan University-Erbil Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Ghassan A. QasMarrogy has a B.Sc. degree in Communication Engineering and M.Sc. degree in Data Communication Networks. Asst. Prof since 2023, His research interest includes Data and Multimedia Communication - Wireless and ad-hoc Networks, MANETs and Cybersecurity.

Abdullah A. Nahi, Department of Information Technologies Management, Management Technical College Southern Technical University, Basrah, Iraq

Abdullah A. Nahi got his master degree from UTM Malaysia In 2018 and from that time he has more than 20 published papers in different international journals and conferences and currently he is working at southern Technical university as lecturer in information technologies management department.

Rose M.S. Yousif, Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

Rose Mohammed Saeed has a (BSC) from Al-Rafidain University, College of Communication Engineering, and MSC from Al-Nahrain University, College of Information Engineering, Network Department. Her research interest includes, network , security , and video transmission


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How to Cite
QasMarrogy G, Nahi A, Yousif R. Evaluation of ChatGPT’s Configuration Support for Network Connectivity and Security. cuesj [Internet]. 10Aug.2024 [cited 26Jan.2025];8(2):43-8. Available from: https://journals.cihanuniversity.edu.iq/index.php/cuesj/article/view/1187
Review Article