A Proposed Model for Build a Secure Restful API to Connect between Server Side and Mobile Application Using Laravel Framework with Flutter Toolkits

Keywords: Flutter‎, Laravel‎, web development‎, mobile development‎, backend-frontend


Any business these days need a mobile application connected with central database, like E-commerce, E-Learning, Restaurant applications …etc., and in order to create a professional application -connected with backend, Restful API is needed, therefore, choose the best languages, tools and frameworks to build a mobile application in the client side, and Database, API and Dashboard in the backend is crucial. this paper proposed a model to create a Cross-platform mobile application using Flutter Framework with some packages like http to connect with API, (flutter_secure_storage) to store a token and (GetX) for state management and MVC Architectural style, beside using Laravel framework with MySQL database to build an Restful API and the dashboard in the backend, and for make a system for Rules and permissions, Spatie package has been used  with Laravel, as well as use Sanctum for Authentication and Authorization system to protect the APIs with JWT, the result is build a full stack application (frontend and Backend)  called (My Services), which is a kind of Ecommerce application for services only in less than one month.


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Author Biography

Osama M.A. AL-atraqchi, Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Chian University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Osama M. Ahmed is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Cihan University-Erbil, He got a B.Sc. degree in Management Information system-University of Mosul, and M.Sc. degree in Management Information System-University Of Mosul, His research interests are in Artificial Intelligence, Programming and IT


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How to Cite
AL-atraqchi O. A Proposed Model for Build a Secure Restful API to Connect between Server Side and Mobile Application Using Laravel Framework with Flutter Toolkits. cuesj [Internet]. 20Aug.2022 [cited 12Oct.2024];6(2):28-5. Available from: https://journals.cihanuniversity.edu.iq/index.php/cuesj/article/view/575
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