The Impact of Internet on Social Relationships among University Students in the Kurdistan Region

  • Araz R. Ahmad Director of Media at University of Raparin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: Electronic Journalism, Social Media, Internet


This research discusses a topic which has rarely been researched by researchers in their researches and it has never got scientific attention for research. The topic of (The impact of Internet on social relationships among university students in the Kurdistan Region), though it has been analyzed in few researches which is not enough for this topic. At the same time, the main objective of this research refers to the analyzing process of an essential topic, which is linked to the social findings of the effects of the Internet as discussing the effect of the Internet on social relationships between university students in the Kurdistan Region). Nowadays, generally the Internet has many effects and various different influences on social relations in the Kurdistan Region, in which Kurdish researchers have carried out less research on this sensitive topic.Since, media is counted as an important pillar in life aspects and community. Also, electronic media (the Internet) is the most influential and modern brand of media. Besides, with the rapid development of science, technology and devices, the important of media has increased. Therefore, this research has its importance and attention for the Kurdistan Region. At the moment the Internet has serious effects on, social, political, and economic aspects of a country, among the effects, which has created on social life


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How to Cite
Ahmad, A. (2019). The Impact of Internet on Social Relationships among University Students in the Kurdistan Region. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 8-19.