Protection of Women and Children in Light of the Provisions of International Humanitarian Law during Armed Conflict

Keywords: Protection of women, Armed conflicts, Spy woman, Mercenary woman, Child protection law, Violation of protection law


Armed conflicts, whether international conflicts arise between states or non-international armed conflicts that break out on the territory of one country, they are often beyond the scope of the battle given the use of the modern, long-term and widespread war machine. It devoured everything that stood before it, and the destruction of states and peoples, whether the victor or the vanquished, and it resulted in serious and severe violations against the human being, especially women, children and the elderly. Throughout history, this group has suffered from the scourge of wars and violence that falls upon them as a result of armed conflicts, humiliation and the loss of dignity. They are the first victims that result in armed conflicts. Violence directed at them is unjustified and exaggerated and directed against them as if they were military targets. In order to protect them and limit their targeting, the rules of international humanitarian law contained in the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1977 Protocols 1977 included provisions on the protection of civilians, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of Armed Conflict, and the procedures to be followed to address violations of the rights of women and children as part of The civilian population, like other protected groups, also has special protection, as well as combatants, as it is obligatory and binding on all states parties to the agreement. And take international responsibility when violating the rules of legal protection.





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Author Biography

Layla I. Abuilkassem, Department of Law, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Layla Issa Abulqassem is a Lecturer at the Department of Law, Faculty/College of Law and International Relations-Cihan University – Erbil. she has B.Sc. degree in law, and M.Sc. degree in Public international law
Her research interests are in: Public international law, International humanitarian law, and Human rights. 


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How to Cite
Abuilkassem, L. (2022). Protection of Women and Children in Light of the Provisions of International Humanitarian Law during Armed Conflict. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 52-61.