Returning to Kant and Escape from Hegel

Dimensions and Prospects of Philosophy after Hegel's Death

Keywords: Return‎, Escape‎, Kent‎, Hegel‎, The Perspectives of Philosophy.‎


After the death of Hegel, philosophy (idealism) was affected by transformations and new questions that arose due to the development in science. One of the reasons philosophers were challenged was their attitudes toward science. Hence the call to return to 'Kant'. But if we ask here: What does return to 'Kant' mean? Did he become old or forgotten after his death, especially after Hegel’s dominance of the philosophical space? Or that his philosophy was and still is one of the philosophical pillars, not only within the scope of German philosophy alone but within modern philosophy as a whole. Therefore, the research discusses the dimensions of the return to the philosophy of 'Kant' and its new appearance, which opened new horizons in the history of philosophy. 'Kant' has been influential and inspiring to many of Heglian’s later philosophers. Note that one of the connotations of return means that 'you' was an indispensable reference. As for the other indication, it does not exceed. That is, it does not precede it easily and does not become obsolete in some way. On the other hand, there is a call to return to Hegel in different contexts and stages as well. Therefore, the return discourse does not concern 'I was alone, but there are objective and subjective motives that motivate researchers to return to them. One of the motives, for example, is the attitude of both philosophers towards science and the adoption of the scientific view in philosophical thinking.



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Author Biography

Nawzad J. Hamafaraj, Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies & Scientific Research, Sulimani, Iraq

Nawzad Jamal Faraj is an Assistant Professor at Kurdistan Institution for Strategic Studies and Scientific Research, Sulimani, Iraq. His research interests are Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy, Debate and Critical


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How to Cite
Hamafaraj, N. (2022). Returning to Kant and Escape from Hegel. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 62-72.