The Logic Game, Fallacy in Selected Poems by John Donne

An Analytical Study

  • Iman M. Khdairi Department of English Language of Literature, AL-Mustansiriyah University, Iraq
Keywords: Fallacy, John Donne, Logic Game, Poetry


The aim of this paper is to analyze three seduction poems by John Donne regarding his use of fallacy as a technique for seduction. These poems are “The Flea”, “Confined Love” and “To His Mistress Going to Bed”. Donne tries to manipulate reasoning in the arguments with the women in those poems cleverly through false beliefs i.e., fallacies, to convince them of the legitimacy and sanctity of sexual intercourse, whether it is premarital or adultery. He deploys strong fallacious arguments with the women, who are presented as cautious or dismissive, in all three poems to achieve his aim of convincing those women to voluntarily agree to his sexual desire.


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How to Cite
Khdairi, I. (2021). The Logic Game, Fallacy in Selected Poems by John Donne. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 32-34.