The Relationship between Development and Human Rights in Public International Law

  • Layla I. Abu Alqasim Department of Law, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Wael M. Jalal Aldeen Department of Public Administration, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: development, human rights, international instruments, public international law


The research deals with the legal relationship between development and human rights, and starts from the concept of development as a human right, and proceeds towards the legal basis for this relationship through international instruments that included this right, leading to the declaration of the right to development as a global legal document in 1986. Finally, international guarantees to embody the realization of the right in development. The research reached a number of results: The right to development is a composite right of a group of civil, political, economic and social rights. Development is by man and by man, because it’s ultimate goal is the permanent improvement of the well-being of all residents on the basis of their full participation in the development process, and the distribution of benefits resulting in a fair distribution. Since the right to development is part of human rights that are indivisible and waived, and its implementation falls on the shoulders of individuals, states and the international community, so that it is not trapped in international conventions, conferences and declarations, we recommend a set of recommendations: Endorsing the right to equality in the right to development At the national level, by providing opportunities for everyone to access basic resources to satisfy the basic needs represented in: providing food, health care, education, and establishing a special national fund for these three rights. Emphasizing the sovereignty of states over their wealth in order to harness them in realizing the right to development.


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How to Cite
Abu Alqasim, L., & Jalal Aldeen, W. (2021). The Relationship between Development and Human Rights in Public International Law. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2), 14-20.