How Language Creates Bonds among Cross-Cultural Communities

  • Shalaw S. Abdulrahman Directorate of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: language, cross-cultural‎, communication‎, community‎, sociocultural‎


The objective of this thesis is to evaluate how the use of language creates bonds among cross-cultural communities. Language is an important aspect of human relationships because it is the primary way of communication. The use of language becomes more vital and intricate in cross-cultural communities due to the fact that language reflects culture. Another objective that will be evaluated is the challenges faced when using different languages in cross-cultural communities and how these barriers impact the bond created in cross-cultural communities. The significance of language in cross-cultural communities is becoming a more prominent topic in development literature and social studies on a global scale. The operational principles and mindset of a community are developed and expressed in their methods of thinking, behaving, and engaging with the outside world through language and culture. Language has an essential role in integrating economic, political, and social changes, as well as other developing towns, which are intertwined with the cultures of these communities. The concepts of cross-cultural communities are built on the interconnections of various cultural and environmental elements. Secondary data were used to gather information for the topic of interest in this thesis and content analysis was used to examine the data gathered. The preservation of indigenous languages is vital to many people today because it protects their cultural heritage, just as language has always been a significant force in communities as a means of preserving one's own culture or controlling other people groups.


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How to Cite
Abdulrahman, S. (2022). How Language Creates Bonds among Cross-Cultural Communities. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 59-63.