Language and Relationship with Society

Keywords: Language,, Media Language, Society, Kurdish Language, Communication Language


Language is not just a collection of phrases and words, ultimately playing a fundamental role in shaping the personality of an individual in society based on the mechanism, life experience and history of his nation. Society has many positive and negative effects on language, but the negative effects are more than the positive ones. In Kurdistan, there is lack of accurate information and reliable data continued differences and understanding in all its forms in Kurdish society and the global progress in the field of participation of languages and dialects in all spheres of life (political, social, economic, etc.). The aim of this research is to find a solution to bring the dialects of Kurdish closer together and unite its terms by knowing the degree of influence of society on language, because the experiments of other nations have shown that the existence of these different dialects is the existence of a linguistic chain. Therefore, we must take advantage of this chain and develop our official language. The unification of terms and their use as one among all individuals of different dialects brings the individuals of society closer together. The results show a pathway to establish and correct another way by focusing on using the language to be strong in society. This is achieved via identifying problems and causes, and reminding them of various detailed data and information by writers, sources, books and media, with an explanation of the significance of developing a society with a unified and well-known language.


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Author Biography

Hunar M. Hussein, Department of Translation, College of Arts and Letters, Cihan University-Erbil, Iraq

Hunar M. Hussein is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Translation, College of Arts & Letters, Cihan University - Erbil. He got a B.Sc. degree in Kurdish Language, an M.Sc. degree in Kurdish Language.  His research interests are in the Kurdish Language, the role of media in separating the language, and The Dialects.


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How to Cite
Hussein, H., & Çiftçi, H. (2022). Language and Relationship with Society. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 134-144.