Cybercrime in International Law

Keywords: Crime, cyber‎, Budapest, Agreement, Effort


The research dealt with the electronic crime known by the term (cyber) because of its connection with space, which is the widest field for its perpetration and implementation of its pillars, and it is often between countries or within the state, and because of its importance, multiple definitions have been known and its nature has been defined as a deliberate crime committed to achieve goals harmful to the interests of a person or a certain party. It has characteristics that distinguish it from other acts in terms of its perpetration by a computer, its systems or the information it contains, or it targets the Internet and the sites in which it is, and usually more than one person or entity contributes to it. Or disrupting it, sabotaging it, forging it, and so on.


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Author Biography

Ibrahim A. Abed, Department of Law, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Ibrahim A. Abed is a Assistant Prof. at the Department of Law ,College of Law & Int`l Diplomatic Relation , Cihan Uni. -Erbil . He got the in Law , the M.Sc. degree in Int`l Law & the Ph.D. degree in Int`l Law . His research interests are in Int`l Law ,Int`l Criminal Law, Human Rights . Dr.Ibrahim is a member of Iraqis Lawyers Society 


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How to Cite
Abed, I. (2022). Cybercrime in International Law. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 145-151.