Social Network Privacy Models

A Systematic Literature Review and Directions for Further Research

  • Abdullah Abdulabbas Nahi Al-Rabeeah Department of Computer Science, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region,Iraq
  • Mohammed Mahdi Hashim Department of Computer Science, Auruk University, Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Component, Privacy models, Privacy rules, Social network, Social network privacy


Privacy is a vital research field for social network (SN) sites (SNS), such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, where both the number of users and the number of SN applications are sharply growing. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in user-generated text content, mainly in terms of posts, tweets, reviews, and messages on SN. This increase in textual information introduces many problems related to privacy. Privacy is susceptible to personal behavior due to the shared online data structure of SNS. Therefore, this study will conduct a systematic literature review to identify and discuss the main privacy issues associated with SN, existing privacy models and the limitations and gaps in current research into SN privacy.


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How to Cite
Al-Rabeeah A, Hashim M. Social Network Privacy Models. cuesj [Internet]. 20Aug.2019 [cited 25Apr.2024];3(2):92-01. Available from:
Review Article