Analysis the Structures of Some Symmetric Cipher Algorithms Suitable for the Security of IoT Devices

Keywords: Internet of things applications, Block ciphers, Stream ciphers, Encryption algorithms, Data security


In the past years, the Internet of Things (IoT) used in different applications and very wide range of fields (e.g. cloud services, smart environments, logistics, social and personal domains, and healthcare services). The IoT included a variety of components and devices such as RFID devices, wireless sensors, actuators, and wireless networks. Also, the IoT with smart devices adopted in various companies, organizations and public services systems. For instance, some devices like Notebooks and smartphones have been used to perform different management activities and duties. These smart devices relied on data exchange and data storage resources in clouds computing services. In this context, the saved data and exchanged data required protection against hacking operations, transferred with more secure communications channels, and safe storage environment in the clouds and local storage systems. In this paper, we proposed some encryption algorithms to tackle the issue of data confidentiality in the IoT applications. This research provided analysis and investigation of these encryption algorithms in light of components of the designs, versions of these algorithms, encryption keys, block size, round functions and the techniques used in the designs.


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How to Cite
Jasim K, Ismail R, Nahi Al-Rabeeah A, Solaimanzadeh S. Analysis the Structures of Some Symmetric Cipher Algorithms Suitable for the Security of IoT Devices. cuesj [Internet]. 1Sep.2021 [cited 12Oct.2024];5(2):13-9. Available from:
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