The Impact of Academic Satisfaction as a Mediator on International Conferences

Keywords: Service Quality, Expectation, Conference Industry, Academic Satisfaction


Scientists have lately discovered that the quality of services has a significant influence on academic satisfaction and academic loyalty. Universities in Erbil are competing attract academics by conducting international conferences. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the service quality in international conferences. A statistical analysis was provided based on data collected from 150 responses from academics at Cihan University-Erbil and other universities in the region. A structured questionnaire was conducted by the respondents in order to analyze their general expectations on conference services and the actual service performance they perceived with the conference. The study also assessed the impact of respondents’ past experiences on their expectations. The findings of this study show that we have positive effect between the total effect of (SQ) the independent variable on (CI) the dependent variable is highly significant with (t = 6.02, p< 0.05), also the effect of the mediator variable (AS) was significant with (t = 7.01, p< 0.05), and finally both the independent variable and the mediator variable (SQ) and (AS) have a significant effect on the dependent variable (CI). We found that the meditation effect was partial but not complete effect.


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Author Biography

Qusay H. Al-Salami, Department of Business Administration, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Born in Baghdad – Iraq 30/3/1972, Worked in Computer Depy.-Faculty of Information Tech.–Garyounis Uni. / Benghazi –Libya since 1998–2007, Al-DRA higher institute for Computer Tech./Benghazi–Libya since 1998-2006, Al-MARJ Uni. College–Science dep./Al-Marj–Libya since 2003 –2005, Teacher's College - Garyounis Uni./Al-Kofra–Libya since 2005–2007, Science dep.-Faculty of Engineering – Garyounis Uni. since 2005–2007, Faculty of Arts & Sciences –Garyounis Uni./Ajdabya–Libya since 2006–2010, Faculty of Economic –Garyounis Uni./Benghazi–Libya since 2007– 2011, Baghdad College of Economic Science Uni. – Computer Engineering Dep./Baghdad–IRAQ since 2011– 2012, Cihan Uni./College of Adm. and Financial Sciences / 2013–till now, lecturing in Business Administration Dept.


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How to Cite
Al-Salami, Q., & Abdalla, S. (2022). The Impact of Academic Satisfaction as a Mediator on International Conferences. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 19-26.