Determination of Single Sampling Attribute Plans Based Upon Dodge Roaming Model with Application

Keywords: Acceptance Quality Level, Bayesian sampling plans, Operating Characteristics, Statistical Quality Control, Average Sample size


Bayesian sampling plans for production inspection involve using a sampling method to assess the features of the plan, under the assumption that defect rates fluctuate randomly among different production batches. This results in a likelihood distribution  that can be established through experience and the quality information at hand. In this study, the parameters  of a single Bayesian sampling plan were determined using the Beta-Binomial distribution, and were subsequently contrasted with parameters from other single sampling plans. Based on research findings, (Ala corporation for soft drinks) oversees the control of product quality. Since the variable fluctuates randomly between manufacturing batches, 120 batches were selected to calculate the defect rate by analyzing batch size and number of defective items. Applying Bayesian and decision-making models can lead to the development of a single sampling inspection procedure that closely approximates the actual quality level. When the decision-making model was used, the researchers discovered that the sample size was smaller and led to lower inspection costs compared to other inspection plans.


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Author Biographies

Dler H. Kadir, Department of Statistics and Informatics, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq

Dler H. Kadir, is currently a full-time Assistant Professor at the Department of Statistics, College of Administrative and Economics at Salaheddin University-Erbil. He received my Ph.D. degree in the Department of Probability and Statistics at the University of Sheffield  in the UK, M.Sc. degree in Statistics from the University of Sulaymaniyah in Iraq, and a B.Sc. Degree in Statistics from Salahaddin University-Erbil. His research interest includes Bayesian inference, MCMC, and Statistical Modeling.

Azhin M. Khudhur, Department of Statistics and Informatics, College of Administration and Economics, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region - F.R. Iraq.

Azhin M. Khudhur, is currently working in the College of Administration and Economics in the Department of Statistics at Salahaddin University-Erbil. She was awarded a M.Sc. degree in Statistics and Informatics from the University of Salahaddin-Erbil in 2022, and a B.Sc. in Statistics from the University of Salahaddin in 2014. She was intrigued by the following research interests Bayesian Inference, MCMC, Statistical Modeling, and Time series.

Rebaz O. Yahya, Department of Business Administration, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Rebaz Othman  was awarded a B.Sc. in Statistics from the Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2010. He also received a M.Sc. degree in Mathematical Statistics at Salahaddin University-Erbil in 2016. He is an assistant Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at Cihan University-Erbil.

AbdulRahim K. Rahi, Dijlah University College

AbdulRahim K. Rahi is currently a full-time Professor at the Department of Business Administration, at Dijlah University College. His research interest includes Operation Research, Quality Control, Bayesian inference, and Statistical Modeling


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How to Cite
Kadir D, Khudhur A, Yahya R, Rahi A. Determination of Single Sampling Attribute Plans Based Upon Dodge Roaming Model with Application. cuesj [Internet]. 25Aug.2024 [cited 26Jan.2025];8(2):65-. Available from:
Research Article