Figuring out the Varieties in Reporting News with an Eye on Translation and Semiotics

  • Huda Y. Abdulwahid Department of English Language, Cihan University-Erbil, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
Keywords: News, Politics, Semiotics, Signs, Translation, Vagueness


Although most of the people focus on the written message and forget about other non-verbal messages, some researchers keep looking for other signal that might send some messages but are stronger enough to affect the readers. This research is an attempt to figure out the size of the blackout that we experience in the world concerning reporting  news.  The reasons behind such vagueness are the factors encompassed in delivering the news  like the translator’s viewpoint and signs translation.  The semiotic approach has been used to shed light on these elements and to raise the attention of readers before taking every little news guaranteed.



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How to Cite
Abdulwahid, H. (2019). Figuring out the Varieties in Reporting News with an Eye on Translation and Semiotics. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 32-36.