Multi-Level Feedback Queue Scheduling Technique

Model Proposal to Reduce Risk and Enhance Performance of Healthcare Systems

Keywords: Multilevel feedback queue scheduling technique, estimate waiting time, improve risk reduction, enhance the performance of health-care division, patient satisfaction


Abstract - In recent decades, computer technology has been highly developed and applied in numerous aspects of daily life, and the healthcare sector is becoming more aware of the significance of information development. Healthcare systems, including their divisions, can indeed use software applications to minimize risk and enhance performance. This study used the MLFQ technique, assigning a time slot to each queue for MLFQ scheduling so that it changes dynamically with each round of performance. Implementing MLFQS techniques enhances patient satisfaction, minimizes risk, and ultimately delivers high-quality care to patients. It also optimizes patient flow and resource allocation, reducing wait times and delays. The technique divides the ready queue into several queues with different priorities, and each queue has its own scheduling technique. Based on the prioritization, MLFQST reduced the waiting time in the queue over the maximum safety requirements for optimal management by 78 arrivals per 4 hours per day in a week, while the percentage of station time utilization was 22, 19.81, 17.62, and 17.62, respectively. While the average waiting time was 24.56, 29.68, 23.5, and 22.62 minutes, the estimated average support units used by the four stations in the system are Ws = Ls/λ = 1/λ – μ = 0.215 hours = 0.215 * 60 = 12.9 minutes per patient in the waiting queue. The findings indicate a substantial reduction in risk, waiting times in the queue, and enhanced performance. 




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Author Biography

Naji A. Harki, Department of Computer Network and Information Security, College of Informatic-Akre, Akre University for Applied Sciences, Duhok, Iraq

Naji Abdullah Majedkan is the director of the scientific division at Akre technical college\Akre university for applied sciences, Duhok, Iraq. He is a member of Akre technical college -present. He is lecturer of department of computer network and information security, college of informatic-Akre, Akre university for applied sciences.


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How to Cite
Harki N. Multi-Level Feedback Queue Scheduling Technique. cuesj [Internet]. 5Aug.2024 [cited 26Jan.2025];8(2):36-2. Available from:
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