Improving Coronavirus Disease Tracking in Malaysian Health System

Keywords: Coronavirus disease, e-government, e-health, Tracking system


This paper proposes Covid-19 Tracing System (CTS) acts as a portal for the health center to update and track their patients' contacts and collect data for further analysis. All of the content is handpicked, filtered, and selected to the best of our ability by assigned individuals (mostly medical staff) to ensure that sources are credible and free of hoaxes for the public's benefit. This application likewise means to assemble information for the top to the bottom investigation (for example, time arrangement to screen the development, in-house patients) and synchronization with a contact following application, for instance, MySejahtera that was created and set up by the Malaysian government and utilized from one side of the country to the other. For simplicity of clients' understanding using Graphic visualizations and dashboards are incorporated.


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Author Biography

Mohammed H. Shukur, Department of Computer Science, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Erbil, Iraq

I am Mohammed Hussein Shukur joined the Department of computer science at Cihan University-Erbil as an assistant Lecturer in 2011. Formerly I was NOC at Webdigitronic an American web-hosting company, Los Angeles, CA . and an IT Manager at IACCI, Baghdad, Amman, (2004-2007). I earned my in Computer Science from Hyderabad University, India in 2010. I got a PgDip degree in data security from an informatics institute for postgraduate studies, Iraq (2004). am research interest focus on Bioinformatics, Big data, robotics Mr. Mohammed is a member of the NITA.


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How to Cite
Shukur M. Improving Coronavirus Disease Tracking in Malaysian Health System. cuesj [Internet]. 20May2021 [cited 9Feb.2025];5(1):11-9. Available from:
Research Article