Applying Knowledge Management Processes to ‎Improve Institutional Performance ‎

Keywords: Data acquisition, Knowledge management process, Knowledge management, Performance, Storage


This study aimed to identify the role of knowledge management ‎processes in improving ‎the level of institutional performance in Cihan ‎University- Erbil, Iraq. For the purpose of ‎achieving the study objectives, a hypothesis has been formulated with two sub-‎hypotheses. The study relied on a descriptive analytical approach. The data were collected ‎by a questionnaire distributed randomly to 90 academic staff at Cihan University-Erbil ‎Campus, 74 valid responses were received. The results showed that knowledge ‎management ‎processes play an important role in improving the institutional performance ‎‎level of the institution studied. Also, the processes of ‎generating and storing knowledge ‎show have stronger correlation than the ‎processes of distributing and applying knowledge ‎in improving the institutional ‎performance level in the University. ‎The novelty of this ‏article comes from ‏its results and the set of ‎recommendations that will contribute to ‎raising the level of ‎institutional performance. ‎


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Author Biographies

Aram H. Massoudi, Department of Business Administration, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Aram H. Massoudi is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative and Financial Science, Cihan University - Erbil. He got the B.Sc. degree in Hotel Management, the M.Sc. degree in Business Administration, and the Ph.D. degree in International Management. His research interests are in Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, and Management.

Hawkar Q. Birdawod, Department of Business Administration, Cihan University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Hawkar Q. Birdawd is a Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, College of Administrative and Financial Science, Cihan University - Erbil. He got the B.Sc. degree in Statistics, the M.Sc. degree in Statistics/ Missing Data] and the Ph.D. degree in Statistics/ Image Processing. His research interests are in Factor Analysis, And Absenteeism. Dr. Hawkar is a Council member of  Iraqi-Kurdistan Economist Syndicate Society.


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How to Cite
Massoudi, A., & Birdawod, H. (2023). Applying Knowledge Management Processes to ‎Improve Institutional Performance ‎. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 1-10.

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