Consumers Loyalty Indicator as a Drivers for Satisfaction

Keywords: Shopper loyalty, Satisfaction, Attitude, Loyalty indicators, Action Loyalty


This study focuses on understanding the leading indicators of loyalty among food and nourishments shoppers in two Syrian Malls, Cham City Centre and Massa Plaza, both located in Damascus, the capital of Syria. The research uses descriptive approach; the data were collected from a questionnaire distributed to 110 shoppers in the two shopping malls, 100 valid responses divided (50 answers from Cham City Centre, and 50 from Massa Plaza Mall). The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science to test the hypothesis. The result showed that shopper attitudes toward the store positively related to his fulfilment and loyalty. Also, shoppers call to the store is an indicator of his satisfaction and commitment towards the store. Finally, perceived value is positively related to the four loyalty indicators. The novelty of this article comes from the analysis of the four loyalty indicators as an essential factor for the sustainable customer. Loyal customers are free marketing tools that keep business running and can increase market share.


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How to Cite
Massoudi, A. (2020). Consumers Loyalty Indicator as a Drivers for Satisfaction. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 41-45.